US $201

Papers – Washi, Chiyogami, metallic, cartridge
Framed Size 640 x 450mm
What is it?
Originally, "kimono" was the Japanese general word for clothing. Now as most people would know, it refers to the traditional long Japanese garment.
During the Heian period (794-1192), straight pieces of fabric were sewn together to make a garment that could fit anyone. This was the origin of the kimono. During the Kamakura period (1192-1338) and the Muromachi period (1338-1573), both men and women wore brightly coloured kimonos. These were called kosode and were worn by everyone.
To make distinctions between classes, the designs of kosode differed. Refinement was very important. The earliest “pattern book” known as the “Shinsen O-Hinagata” dates from 1666.
The Edo period was a stable time with economic growth and a boom in the arts. Kimono making became an art form. The shogunate introduced laws that limited the fabrics and colours allowed for the lower classes to wear, so subdued colours came to be used, and red or bright colours were incorporated just on subtle details such as linings or hems that were not easily seen.
Kimono were expensive and were handed down through the generations as heirlooms.
The name kimono was introduced during the Meiji period (1868-1912). At this time the government encouraged people to wear Western clothing and the kimono was used only for more formal occasions.
There are many kimono makers still using traditional techniques, and kimono can be very expensive.


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