Love Hotel
US $63

Love Hotel
Papers – Card, Optix, metallic
Framed size 508 x 508mm
What is it?
Love hotels provide short “rests” and long stays for couples who want some privacy for romance. In Japan it’s not uncommon for three generations to be living under one roof, so privacy for couples can be an issue.
Love hotels often have bizarre architecture and interiors to distinguish them.  They generally don’t take reservations, and some offer cheaper daytime “off-peak” rates.
The Origins
Modern love hotels developed from tea rooms used mostly by prostitutes and their clients but also by lovers. After World War II, the "bring-along inn" arose, originally run by families with a few rooms to spare. These catered for demand from Occupation forces, and boomed after 1958 when legal prostitution was abolished.
When motels developed, this further spread the concept. Japanese houses were small with sleeping areas doubling as living areas during the day providing little privacy for parents. Married couples therefore began to frequent the “no-tell motels” or love hotels.,
Hotels of the time featured unusual attractions such as swings and vibrating beds and as competition increased, so did the need to stand out.
In 1984, the Businesses Affecting Public Morals Regulation Law placed love hotels under the jurisdiction of the police and designs became less obvious. It was discovered love hotels were selected mainly by women, and consequently, alternative names such as "romance hotel", "fashion hotel", "leisure hotel", "boutique hotel" are now used.
How does it work?
Most Love Hotels have an electronic screen with pictures, descriptions and prices of their available rooms where you can make your selection and make payment. Payment can be done in the room or by the machine at the entrance. Separate up and down elevators, provide privacy, and room service is dropped off in the hallway. Most love hotel doors will lock behind you and upon payment, the door will unlock.
Fun Facts
  • In the early Edo period “love hotels” appearing to be inns or teahouses had discreet entries or even secret tunnels for privacy.
  • To protect your privacy, some love hotels will charge your credit card under a fake name.
  • Love hotels have enough cultural significance to be added to the first edition of emojis in unicode 6.0.
  • The annual revenue of the love hotel industry in Japan is estimated at more than $40 billion, a figure double that of Japan's anime market.
  • Bizarre interiors include: having a Japanese bridge, a carousel, a car or train carriage, a classroom, a waterslide, anime characters, rotating beds, ceiling mirrors, dungeons, S&M gear, karaoke machines and unusual lighting.

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